When you’ve been through what we’ve been through in this sacred feminine body, you build an inner-strength like no other, one of commitment, a determination to life, you’ll do whatever it takes to get well to feel well, to embrace life and open to its magic again, I’m here with you lovely

my initiation took me to the darkest depths in this body, from an eating disorder to the deepest fear of being seen, to addictions to physical/mentally abusive relationships, a childhood of shame/pain/trauma, to a body chronically blocked with old emotions mucus parasites causing exhaustion adrenal fatigue major stress cravings body pain thyroid issues…

… and it’s been my greatest gift to remembering who I really am, Overcoming all of it through plant food & conscious cellular detoxing process’s

… this alkalising-plant-cellular-healing journey guided me home to my heaven on earth in this body of joy and peace, to liberation! and I know it can do the same for you love, there are NO limits here, just endless possibility 

I played the guessing game for a long while, I thought I was eating a healthy balanced diet-eating in moderation, yet I learnt it’s not about that, health can only truly be embodied from one place, and that’s an alkaline mucus-free parasite-free unfermented purified environment, where the digestion endocrine glands lymphatic and kidneys are all functionally optimally, here we heal anything, be sure of that!

… unstable emotions are just unstable energy, and connects to the food you’re eating, as it all comes back to chemistry – and why healing the body acid ➡️ALKALINE heals all, as it re-balances any imbalance, healing to stress-free pain-free hormonal balanced joyful

🌿Are the plants calling you home? plant-based, vegan, mucus-free-lean … a shift in nutritional perspective is required to ground permanent health, it wipes out all childhood beliefs and tradition around food and health … here is real BodyFREEDOM 

As women that lift each other up, love you❤️

➡️🍋BA SpringCleanse BodyBlossOM program.

Spring Cleanse Journey(day16) ALL that effort, It’s time for RESULTS to meet YOUR BLISS-POINT, focused grounded body confident healthy libido

Spring Cleanse journey (Day18) Reconnect HERE to your True Self under ALL that food