What did darling Ann do? 

Ann came to me 6 months ago, she had been diagnosed with depression and was carrying excess weight she didn’t feel good about, she knew there was more to her low feelings, but couldn’t find the support she needed to speak truthfully about how she really felt within 

She had already tried a lot of diets/varied nutritional approaches, healing, done a few detoxes, but still no change, so the doctors suggested anti-depressants 

Ann wasn’t explained what this medication would do to her body, or how it worked, after discussing the toxic affects this medication was having on her body weight well-being

Ann decided she really wanted to get off it, she was able to gain clarity from our conversation to why her body wasn’t shifting the weight despite her efforts 

I shared about our liberatingly different approach to nutrition detox weight loss and health via our Body Awakening Reset Method

Ann had lots of questions, which she got clarity on, and even though she felt nervous about the change, she knew it’s what she needed to do to get off the toxic medication and lose the 2.5 stone of weight

she was so ready to release the heaviness, and reclaim her freedom to feel and look her best!

Ann applied for a complimentary Body Breakthrough call and signed up immediately to our 6 month reset program, she said it was the best investment into her health she’s ever made, as she got the results she had been dreaming of for so long, and the guidance was everything 

No matter how much you’ve tried, or what the doctors say about medication, there is always a way

Ann’s so excited about her new beginning, medication free, loving how she feels in her body and clothes, more visible her business, and showing up in all her authenticity

she said she finally feels confident enough to follow her heart, and live true to herself  

Now planning to move to a location with beaches sunshine nature all around her, she feels like anything is possible now she has her health!

Love, Ready to lose that weight bin the toxic medication, and feel so confident light and free in your body?

much love❤️

Arianna x