In my childhood I was always very curious about my body, how I could touch my clitoris and feel such blissfulness delight pleasure…connection to source 

I remember exploring my sexuality with girl friends, it was all so fun pure and innocent, being intimate free

then fast forward to my 17th birthday, I had a party at my parents house, my dad burst into my bedroom whilst I was with a guy naked 

I was called a whore slut bitch and more, and the guys who I invited were put in the horse stable for the night, and my dad didn’t speak to me for weeks 

this memory changed everything; to have sex or any kind of intimacy with a man was dirty bad wrong, so not to talk about that – I felt so much shame in my feminine body, bless my darling girl💋

…after a decade of heart healing womb healing Goddess work using Yoni eggs purifying detoxing healing my e-motions, coming home to my sacred space-my Yoni-my heart-my Wholy temple 

I came home to my Yoni as a sacred and pure, sexual energy centre of life-force, it’s manifestation, it’s creative flow, when we know how to play with it, she is a divine flower 

for me this journey made pleasure out to be wrong, so I lived a story of pain, and played the pain/pleasure cycle, with food alcohol relationships, making everything conditional, now pleasure is my way 

no more self-abuse/punishment/pain, but listening within, gentle kind loving on my body my heart my energy, dancing singing writing nourishing playing, knowing this body loving this body, feeling whole 

your Yoni my darling is a power centre of bliss ecstasy pleasure, your power, she has a voice, I ask my Yoni questions, the answer is always so clear; by the lifting of my pelvic floor, it feels heavy when it’s not aligned, and light when it’s aligned (try it🌹) womb💗wisdom

Beautiful, has anything surfaced during this read?

You get to heal all this, and this is part of the work I do with my clients if it surfaces, a huge freedom piece! 

…when I talk purification, it’s on many levels, it sets this feminine soul totally free to remember her Full Sexual Sensual Sacred Self, that can do/be anything She desires! You Are Free.

…and here You reclaim ALL your feminine power and manifest your wildest dreams through your temple body of feminine bliss!

Nothing is out there, it’s all inside you.

Everything starts within your body,

Even your business – (blissness).

You hold the power to elevate-express-embody, the true YOU! all of her. no holding back. liberation. IS now.


Love & bliss!

Arianna Health Goddess🌹


PS: If you would like to find out about my one on one support with your healing journey, Apply for a complimentary BB.