The soul power to stand in your truth right now is everything, to listen within to your inner voice, and not to disown it, but fully trust and honour it. As someone who has been very easy influenced throughout my life, I disconnected from my core my truth my centre, but I didn’t even know I had, I knew I felt ungrounded muddled foggy out of body always wanted to say the right thing, held my voice back so much, but as this was just how it was, it became normal. UNTIL, I decided, no, this is not normal, there is more, I get to feel so much better than this, I get to feel centred in my being, I get to stand firm in my truth and follow it, I get to feel grounded connected clear and speak my truth and fully express myself. My body was my compass, and still is, my desire to want to feel well alive free sovereign in my health, guided me home. And this mucus free lean evolved way of living with plant food and cellular detox gave me this opportunity – as I eliminated the parasites mucus heavy metals stones from my body organs cells, as my body started to shift from acidic to alkaline through this process, I was given an opportunity to heal this body fully, and remember I am in charge of my health, this body mind soul, and so are Beautiful!

I love you!❤️

Arianna x

PS. 10 day small group Purification Body Liberation journey starting soon, if you want more clarity to lose weight feel alive centred grounded inspired, get the embodied truth on nutrition and detox, this is it lovely! 

Private message me for details today💋