The results I’ve created for myself and supported my clients with when raw is done correctly is where we see the results we desire.

Often raw foodies eat way to many nuts seeds oils and fermented foods, all of which are highly acidic and clog up and disrupt the lymphatic system even further

The liberation is when we eat raw plant foods that are highly alkaline and food combine as much as possible, here is where we get absolute next level results, as we work on removing the cellular waste!

So many often feel unsatisfied so they fill up on fatty foods, yes raw, but still high fat which means high obstruction in the body, and most including myself- for decades (not anymore) have malabsorption issues,

there is a reason for the dissatisfaction and craving more, it’s obstruction which has been building up for decades, acid craving more acid to feed it #alkalizetoheal

the results produced from alkalizing effectively and efficiently are
– easy weight loss
– so much energy
– so much clarity
– Liberation in the Body
– Elimination of all symptoms
– Inner peace
– radiant glow
– Happiness
– Open heart
– Deeper connection to self
– Awakened creativity and purpose
– Feeling our true vibrant healthy self
And so much more.

this process I discuss throughout my free content, and I guide and support at the highest bespoke level throughout
our Body Awakening 1:1 programs

from this level of healing, the body gets to express its true needs and finally we hear them!! Ahhhhh, and breath, yes!! #nextlevelhealing

when we get here, it’s like a warm summer breeze on our skin, it’s like being feed sweet strawberries by our beloved, it’s like rolling around in the lush green fields, its like total inner peace,
it’s heaven on earth in this body.

What’s your journey with raw food?

Arianna x

#rawfood #beyondplantbased #support #cellulardetox #nextlevel #itsyourtime

You can contact me privately here – www.messenger.com/t/arianna.aunon