Morning time is sacred to me

I start the day always tuning into how I feel

then I journal out 

what I’m releasing 

what I’m aligning too

what I’m feeling

then I practise Yoga,

this morning I was at my favourite Bali centre

practising MOON yoga

a divine YIN practise

moon is-

the feminine

the mind

our inner calm

our steadiness,

to shift habits patterns

we have to go there

witness it

reclaim power, 

to life in this body temple.

I let go, I let my feminine flow

I bend I breath, I bare all my emotions to life

as here I now understand I truly heal,

no more holding on

no more hiding,

But letting go

shining brightly 

chanting mantras 

looking to the sky 

the flowers dangling 

over my thoughts

filling me with colour and creativity,

then the healing plants 

mango fruit and coconut water

nourishing the sacral hormones emotions

alkalizing the mind, hydrating, washing away the old,

setting myself up for a day of-

Flow flexibility, fun & feminine play in this body. 

You get to create the world you live in, by focusing on the world within you, Goddess, Go Within, you’ll see.

What would feeling at peace in your body shift for you? 

Love you!


PS: Ready to start your healing journey home to your true Self; get balanced hormones, lasting weight loss, a clear focused flowing you that feels at peace with who she is, THIS WAY—> Grab my book