They will approve or disapprove

They’ll have opinions about the way you’re eating and what you should be eating

About your protein intake, if you’re eating enough,

About the way you eat

Or say “how are you dong it”
making you question doubt and fear what you’re doing is wrong

It’ll freak many out!

They may even tell you what you’re doing isn’t healthy or good for you, it’ll make you sick

I’ve had it all.

But it’s reality,

And that’s okay

Here’s the thing:

They have their way

You have your way,

What’s the only thing that matters?

That you’re true to you, to your body and life dreams

That your vision lights YOU up

It’s not about anyone else when it comes to your body vision, it’s about YOU

That you feel excited to take action on awakening your truth

That your body gets a new sense of aliveness by just saying YES to what you want, you feel joy, you feel light, you feel a freedom unfolding

What matters is that you never stop holding and acting on your dream vision

And that you hold compassion to those that aren’t ready, but know that you are,

and it’s your time

To lose your excess weight
To get energised
To feel inspired
To show up as the best version of you

And yes, also feel such a deep knowing that what you’re doing for yourself is pure self-love, and this is where it all begins

Because if there was a way to feel your most radiant free calm self – confident in your body, and you said No to it, you’d be doing a disservice to YOURSELF,
you’re here to BE you at your best and become a stand for women around the world to show up and stand up for their body vision too,

Sure, some people are going to think you’re crazy

So let them think that,

All that matters is your vision and owning your truth of vitality

That’s it.

PS : Soul sisters on the journey together. You’re amazing. Coming together feels so good, connecting, going against the grain, seeking the truth, awakening liberation through our body ❤️ brings laughter, joy, happiness, living free, living our highest truth,
Your birthright to thrive in body bliss ☺️