(day3)Clear the way✨ Cleansing for Liberation & Pure Body Joy


Yesterday there was tears, tears of gratitude and joy, cleansing releasing the old, gratitude and joy for las plantas the earth, for her medicina – that longing to come home, it’s right here love, you remember everything

CLEARING the way✨SEE it all so clear

I want to tell you a story;

6/7 years ago whilst living in Ibiza, working 2 jobs and setting up my business, I got very ill, systemic and chronic, my whole body was breaking down, I had been ignoring her, drinking, eating fried, so much cooked acidic foods, sugar caffeine, I was in so much pain exhausted unclear anxious, but I carried on pushing, I had forgotten the feminine in me, run by my masculine and in a relationship that was not serving me. So, I bought a mucoid plaque cleansing kit, and embarked on a deep gut cleanse for 2 weeks, the thing is I didn’t know what I was doing, I was just guessing, I hadn’t prepared my body for it, I just jumped straight in, I just wanted to feel better. The cleansing removed a huge lining of mucoid plaque from my intestines (it was gruesome!) then what happened, well I went back to how I was eating and doing stuff before, why? I had no idea of the foundation I needed to set prior and post to the cleanse #selfcare

When you know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, what’s going on inside the body, what you need, don’t need, the process, health prevails, and it CAN be easier!

It’s day 3, what’s happening …

🕉Dry fasting, increases stem cell production by 300% and why how you go into and come out of it is EVERYTHING 

🫐Eating fresh organic juice fruits-LOTS of dates, I LOVE them, powerful emotional healers + remover of toxins!

🍊🌿Drinking freshly squeezed OJ and taking my herbs focus on deeper gut healing, grounding, hormone balance and liver spleen harmony for living the ultimateYOU

👙Sunbathing, It’s shining, pure medicine for the stomach-solar plexus, Thank you glorious🌞farther for your light (the light that is in the plants that heals ALL✨🍋)


What has day 3 activated in you? comment below🌼

You are safe to come home lovely💛

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