Goddess, It’s been tumultuous, I hear you dear heart, 

I hear your call of surrender to this temple of God-Goddess, look, what I’ve tapped into is that all the exhaustion brain fogginess digestive stuff hormonal chaos body pains food cravings need for stimulants daily, even the not feeling as confident in your body, 

it’s ok, it’s all actually a sacred gift, of remembrance.

Look we all decided to the drink the cup of forgetfulness, so we can now drink the chalice of life, that is the nectar of love the elixir of nature, the plant medicine of fruits veggies juices herbal delights, which take you home to that true you, that woman who has always lived within you, she’s gone no-where.

I tell you beauty, she’s in there right here right now, waiting to be released to be acknowledged, loved, respected, cared for, by you, as I know you so want, and so deeply long to feel such a loving deep real connection to yourself. 

So I invite darling, home to you, home to your heart your womb your sacred feminine temple of freedom, you are the freedom you seek, and so the only question left, because we must ask ourselves questions, they hold great power to transform this moment here and now, is are you ready now, to come home to your true-Self, free alive embodied joyful healthy clear? 

Do I hear a hell yes! If so, I bow to you beauty, and I bow to you if it’s a hell no too, because we all have a sacred choice to live true to ourselves, you choose! 

What awaits within this cleansed purified detoxed rejuvenated reset body temple 


To freedom Goddess❤️ love sprinkles✨✨✨